Here are some quick pointers to get you in the game:
First and most important, there's no cost and very little time is required to get it up and running. Social media is a cost-effective business strategy that quickly outperforms any of the traditional forms of display advertising. The effort is well worth the results if you take the initiative.
Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn are the social media sites with the most traffic. To get the best results for your time, concentrate on these sites first. Your business will enjoy valuable exposure without overwhelming you. Implement all three at once or one at a time and monitor the results.
Use Onfast.com to post the same message across multiple social sites simultaneously. Keep you message simple. Use the scheduling tool inside OnFast to create and schedule posts into the future. Starting out, allocate a block of time and write two or three posts to be sent out in the week to come. A lot of content can be pulled from material you already have.
The great thing about social media is that you can track your traffic. Concentrate your time posting to the sites that bring the most activity. Maintain a regular pace of 2-3 posts a week. Reply quickly to your audience of "Likes" and "Followers" as they create posts that require your response. Keep in mind that every one of your responses is an opportunity to gain another ambassador for your company.
Keep your posts interesting and relevant. Your intent is to leverage your network of relationships to make friends with customers, find prospects, and let people know what's going on with your business. Be considerate of your reader and only offer useful business information and advice. Keep your messages short and focused.
Make a commitment and "Just do it." Go to Onfast.com create your accounts and tell the world that you have joined the party.
Posted via OnFast - http://www.OnFast.com