Pinterest Aims for Businesses
The social media network, Pinterest, is in the process of making the platform more attractive to businesses. This is according to a recent report by InformationWeek. The fourth most popular social network is adding new analytical tools along with new features to assist businesses in getting better traction from their content. Also, a separate site for business owners is now available to further help in the process of network engagement analysis. Full Story Here:
‘Triple C’ vs. Triple I’: Which Kind of Company Are You?
Social media has virtually eliminated the void between businesses and their customers and prospects. As the world has gone increasingly social, the relationships between companies, their employees, and their customers is changing. The old cultural business model was for a top down, Command-Control-Compliance company. Businesses marketed at their customers while vigorously controlling their message and the relationship between employees and customers. The new social business model is for a Inspire-Involve-Imagine company where customers and employees are inspired to imagine a brand experience and involved through ongoing dialogue. Full Story Here:
How to Run an Effective Social Media Program
A properly executed social media marketing campaign can go a long ways toward leveling the playing field between a small business and its larger competitors. There are three crucial factors to take into consideration to achieve lasting success with social media marketing, however. A clear strategy must be established first, followed by compelling content, remembering always that success takes time and requires a commitment. Full Story Here:
5 Social Media Marketing Tips to Boost SEO
It is vitally important that a business show up in the first page of a search engine result when consumers are looking online for products and services. Social media is increasingly driving the search engine rankings now. This article provides strategies for increasing rankings and better leveraging of social media to accomplish SEO goals for businesses. Full Story Here:
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