
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Tool to Help Business Owners Struggling With Social Media

As running a business becomes more challenging in a down economy, going beyond simply selling products and services has become more important than ever. Today, business owners are turning to social networks with their far-reaching influence as an innovative way to find new customers.

Turning customers into fiercely loyal fans and advocates that will speak favorably of their experiences in ever-growing referral networks is the strategic end game.  Sadly, some well-intended businesses may be dropping the ball with their social networks. To really take advantage of a medium like Facebook you have to engage people on a daily basis. Too often we hear, “I just don’t have the time.” Most would agree that finding time to post on a consistent daily basis is a legitimate concern.

Today there are dozens of tools for managing social networks, and new ones seem to spring up weekly. Most manage multiple social connections, but, few if any provide a consolidated campaign-scheduling calendar to solve the daily time allocation issue.  OnFast’s unique calendar driven option supports future content postings and clearly puts it ahead of the pack in this respect. Users can build a social marketing campaign that will be systematically scheduled while business owners tend to the unpredictable and necessary day-to-day activities. Your followers are depending on your consistent informative communications.
With OnFast you can do an entire week of social media planning and posting in just a few minutes.

Visit and try it free for 30 days. You too can “be everywhere fast.”