A Blueprint for Using Social Media for Business Success
For businesses just starting out, social media and other internet resources can give entrepreneurs the illusion of easy success. However, only a carefully planned marketing strategy which utilizes the social media channels where their target audience are present. Making the effort to know your audience and being willing to pivot your efforts to where they are, then building a relationship with them will create success. This may be on lesser known networks such as Google Plus or Pinterest, rather than Facebook or Twitter. Full Story Here:
Why Social Media Is So Addictive (And Why Marketers Should Care)
Society’s obsession with social media shows no signs of abating, it only grows. The reasons for this phenomenon come down, very simply, to human nature. People find some of their deep, psychological needs met on the social networks of their choice. Brands that learn to tap into factors such as ego and self-esteem among others, by meeting those needs, will position themselves for success. Full Story Here:
How 4 Major Companies Revitalized Their Brands By Being Great To Their Customers On Social Media
The examples offered by these large companies provide useful clues for businesses of all sizes to effectively leverage social media. Brands, who carefully listen to their customers and respond to the valuable business intelligence they gather on social media, will profit from the excellent customer service they provide. Full Story Here:
2013: Is this the year of real returns and social media coming of age?
The very nature of social media makes it difficult to measure return on investment for social marketing campaigns. EyeforTravel’s Social Media & Mobile in Travel Distribution Report for 2013 found that travel executives are still firmly committed to social media, but investment in the medium is down. This may not be wise since the research showed that people in developed countries spend upwards of seven hours a day on social networks. Facebook executives promise better analytics are coming as the year progresses. Full Story Here:
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