
Friday, December 21, 2012

Social Media News For The Week Of 12/21/12

Fewer Than One Quarter of Small Businesses Have Social Media Strategies

Small business use of social media marketing has grown tremendously over the course of the last year, but it appears the majority of small companies who use the marketing medium, do so without any clear strategy or goals. According to the results of the 2012 Small and Medium Social Business Study released by the SMB Group, only 24% of small businesses have a planned social media strategy. The majority at 29% use social randomly, indicating they are not informed as to the proper utilization of social media to grow their businesses. Full Story Here:

An Argument for Social Media Scheduling

Opinions vary about automating the scheduling of posts to social media networks. This article makes a very strong case for brands to do so. Full Story Here:

How We Use Social: Highlights from the Social Media Report 2012

The rapid growth and ever-changing landscape of social media usage in the U.S. is documented in the annual report released by Nielsen and NM Incite recently. The study, conducted between July 2011 and July 2012, found many fascinating trends in the social media world during the time covered. Results include, total time spent online is up 21% and mobile usage increasing by 82%, with mobile apps up by 85%. Full Story Here:

Social media influencing retailers’ decisions

As the holiday shopping season winds down, shoppers may not be aware how much they have influenced what retailers have offered to consumers. This influence has come about through the online interactions between brands and their customers, whether that is with likes on Facebook or comments. Brands are now making stocking decisions based on those social media interactions. Full Story Here:

Social media pressure gets to Instagram and Netflix

The public has learned in recent years the power and influence they have through social media to bring about changes in company policies. Facebook recently needed to change and clarify the photo sharing policies of Instagram, which it owns, following outrage from the public in social media. In 2011, Netflix was forced to rethink policy changes it had made following a similar situation of public outcry through social networks. Full Story Here:

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