
Monday, August 20, 2012

Finding Easy Blog Content - Nonprofits

The theme of a nonprofit organization's blog should closely mirror the agency's mission statement. If you are struggling to come up with content for your nonprofit blog here are some ideas.

1. News Related to Your Core

Summarize news stories relevant to your organization's mission. Be sure to provide a link back to the original source. Add your own commentary to the story and ask for feedback from your blog audience. It is best to avoid overdoing news stories, or you will appear to be a spammer.

2. Appeals for Call to Action

All nonprofit organizations require the work and financial backing of others. Write call to action blogs asking for anything your group needs. Ask for more volunteers; make the appeal for more financial contributions, and request that people sign a petition about your group's issue (if appropriate). Whatever your nonprofit needs, just ask, you may be surprised at the response from your supporters.

3. Organization News

If your nonprofit is actively engaged and has events, campaigns, or ongoing projects, you will have a variety of blog topics. Summarize fundraising and other events, providing quotes from those involved, along with plenty of images and video. Announce any new fundraising events, projects etc. that the organization has upcoming. Highlight special donors or volunteers who deserve to be specially honored. Use the blog to keep your audience informed.

4. Interviews and Stories

Seek out and interview experts on your advocacy subject. Ask them to share their expertise; word from an authority carries more weight and influence with the reader. Report stories about people on the front lines of your group's endeavors.  Include images and video whenever possible.

Keep your nonprofit's core advocacy at heart and reflect your passion in your writing, and your blog will be a tremendous success.

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