
Friday, August 17, 2012

Social Media News For The Week Of 8/17/12

Social Media Is Making A Big Impact On Small Business [INFOGRAPHIC]

According to an infographic put together by Bolt Insurance, small businesses are now embracing social media in a big way. The findings also indicate the trend is only going to rapidly grow in the future. 73% of small businesses use social media in their marketing efforts, with 81% of those planning on increased use yet to come. The majority of small to medium businesses which have not yet jumped on board with social media marketing plan to do so, with 62% adding social media to their marketing mix in the next year. Full Story Here:

Social Media Tools Boost Small Business Productivity

The global market for social media tools for business is expected to jump by 40%, increasing to $4.5 billion by the year 2016, according to a study by the research firm IDC. This trend is being driven by the desire of companies to gain more efficiency from their workforce. Full Story Here:

Social media proves a force in consuming Olympics

The recently ended London Olympic games has proven the power of social media to drive the public's attention to events. For example, the 50 million tweets estimated by Twitter regarding the Olympics, along with activity on other social networks, partially led to increased ratings for NBC's coverage of the games by 12 percent over Beijing four years ago. Full Story Here:

Social Media Is Much More Than Just Social and Media

Businesses need to understand multi-faceted nature of social media in order to derive the most benefit from using the medium in their marketing efforts. There is more at work beyond relationship and communication in social media. Other crucial factors include object, timing, type of message and the human component. Full Story Here:
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