Social Media Is The New SEO - Deal With It!
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) has become inextricably tied to social media because of Google's increased emphasis on the level of engagement across social networks in determining the search ranking of websites. Companies hoping to be visible on search engines need to not only have a strong social media presence, but interact with their audience as well. Just being present on social platforms is not enough. Full Story Here:
10 Tips for Building a Social Media Strategy
Social media has, and will continue to, greatly expand the possibilities for businesses to reach new customers while gaining their loyalty at the same time. But social media, if not properly utilized, can do harm as well. It is imperative for any company engaging their brand on social media to have a well planned and clear strategy for success on social networks. Full Story Here:
Dreamforce 12: Social business capabilities evolve in the cloud
Last week the software as a service company, Salesforce, held their annual Dreamforce conference in San Francisco. The conference featured influential guest speakers such as former Secretary of State Colin L. Powell and General Electric CEO, Jeffrey R. Immelt. The main takeaway from the conference is the future of the cloud as the home of social business. The First of Two Stories:
Infographic: A Look at Some of the Worst Social Media Blunders of All Time
It is always useful in business, and in life in general, to try to learn from the mistakes of the past. Social media must be used both carefully and responsibly. This very interesting infographic makes the point abundantly clear. Full Story Here:
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