Small Business Favors Social Media Over Location Marketing
Small businesses are utilizing social media marketing and mobile technology at a much higher adoption rate compared to location-based promotion sites, such as Foursquare. According to a study conducted by Constant Contact, an amazing 97 percent of small business owners are using social media networks in their marketing efforts. Furthermore, 66 percent report they are using mobile devices or apps as a component of their marketing strategy as well. This in contrast with only 17 percent utilization of location-based marketing. Full Story Here:
New Social Media Technologies of 2013 (So Far)
People now spend approximately 20 percent of their online time surfing social media sites, according to research by Buffer. With the ever-growing popularity of social networking, new technologies have appeared in the first half of 2013 which look to have an impact on users. New platforms such as Chirp and Flavyr could transform the way media and images are shared across social media. Full Story Here:
Facebook Tops List of Small Business Social Media Sites
The office products company, Staples, recently surveyed small businesses and found Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter (in that order) are the favored social media platforms for marketing purposes. 40 percent of theses businesses state they have gained by using social media, while 61 percent report they are using at least one social network in their marketing strategy. Full Story Here:
Can Social Media be Your Primary Marketing Strategy?
While social media can be a key piece of a business’ overall marketing, for most companies it should only be one component part of a multi-faceted strategy. Every business has unique requirements, including budgets and target audience and need to be flexible as growth is achieved. Only in rare cases can social media be successful as the company’s sole marketing effort. Full Story Here:
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