
Friday, April 27, 2012

Social Media News For The Week Of 4/27/12

Apple Opens WWDC Registration For June

On Wednesday Apple opened its registration for the annual World Wide Developers Conference. The conference is open to Apple's paid developer program. The conference's importance this year is underscored by the research firm IDC finding 89 percent of developers are interested in software for the iPhone with 88 percent interested in iPad development. Android development interest is down. Full Story Here: 

Businesses See A Positive Effect Of Social Media

The digital marketing agency EPiServer has conducted research which shows businesses are finding positive results from their social media endeavors and are investing more time and energy into social media marketing. Nearly a third of businesses in the UK have set up new social media channels and over half are spending more time on the medium. Full Story Here: 

Healthcare Goes Social

A report by the Health Research Institute has found one third of people use social media to find healthcare information and advice. 45 percent of the people who got information through social media said they would seek second opinions before making health decisions based on what they discovered there. Full Story Here: 

Guess How Many Top 25 Business Schools Don't Teach Social Media/Business

36% of the top 25 business schools do not offer any courses on the subject of social media and how it relates to business. The universities which have classes on the topic teach it almost as an afterthought. This represents how shortsighted and backwards thinking universities are in preparing the nation's MBA's for tomorrow. Full Story Here: 

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