Google+has not reached the massive level of acceptance found by other social networks like Facebook. However, the network has grown to over 170 million users and in certain circumstances, might be a better choice for social media marketing for some brands. In any case, Google+ should at least be considered, for it does offer some specific advantages to business users. If your company is giving it a try, here are some helpful tips.
1. Customize Your Sharing -
This is probably the greatest advantage offered by the Google+ platform. Google Circles gives you the option of sharing information with specifically targeted groups of followers. Posts can be automatically sent to all of your followers or to only certain circles of followers. Also, if you don’t want information re-shared outside the circle, re-sharing of each post may be optionally disabled.
2. Fire Up Engagement With Sparks
The Sparks feature allows you to search for relevant information or topics of interest and share them with your circles. The reverse works as well, since others can search for your content and share it. Sparks can live up to its name by getting engagement and interaction started within your circles.
3. Make It A Visual Experience
If your brand is visual in nature, Google+ can offer your followers a rich visual experience. Since Google+ emphasizes the sharing of colorful images and videos, engagement can be driven with items like product pictures and behind the scenes views.
For some brands Google+ offers an effective alternative to other social networks or a potent addition to any multi platform social media campaign.
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