Will your title draw the reader in and make them want to read on?
- Does your first paragraph clearly define what your post is about?
- Is your topic a popular subject and interesting?
- Is your post free of tech talk and easy to understand?
- Does your post contain keywords and phrases that will be attractive to search engines?
- Does your post stimulate readers to comment?
Don't waste people's time. If you don't have anything exciting and worthwhile to say don't release a second-rate post. Rethink your post. Today may be the day to repost someone else's article with the proper attribution.
It's not uncommon to find yourself at a loss for words. We find that experienced business bloggers build up a library of references and material they have stumbled upon during their normal online searching activities. It's easier to allocate a regularly scheduled block of time to write your posts from your ideas file and schedule them into the future.
Onfast.com has a social media activities calendar with a future posting feature. Visit us at onFast.com for a free trial.
Posted via OnFast - http://www.OnFast.com