
Friday, July 13, 2012

Social Media News For The Week Of 7/13/12

Social Media: 3 Big Trends to Watch in the Next 6 Months

As the second half of 2012 unfolds, there are three trending developments in social media for business to keep an eye on, according to Gravity Summit LLC Cofounder and CEO, Beverly Macy. Visually-oriented social media is on the rise with the growth of Pinterest and Instagram, among others. The tremendous growth of smartphones combined with Cloud technology is driving location-based shopping. Also, brands are increasingly becoming entertainment through their social networks. Full Story Here: 

Facebook Jobs Could Kill LinkedIn's Momentum

The Wall Street Journal recently reported that Facebook is working toward launching a job postings board this summer called "Facebook Jobs". This could potentially threaten LinkedIn's position with job seekers in direct competition. With Facebook having over 900 million users compared to LinkedIn's 150 million, it is easy to see the threat the professional social network is facing. Full Story Here:

IDC Study Reveals Emerging Social Media Trends Across Vertical Markets

The marketing intelligence firm, International Data Corporation (IDC), recently completed a study of social media adoption trends by six major vertical markets. The report looked at social media utilization by banking, government, healthcare, manufacturing, retail, and utilities. According to the IDC, the retail sector leads the way in social media adoption. Full Story Here: 

Fortune 500 CEOs Are Shunning Social Media Says New Study by Domo and

While their companies may have a large social media presence, the CEOs of the majority of Fortune 500 companies have little to no involvement on social media networks. According to a study by and the executive management firm, Domo, 70 percent of CEOs don't have any social media presence at all. Only 38 Fortune 500 CEOs are on Facebook, for example. Full Story Here:

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