
Thursday, March 22, 2012

Legal Concerns for Bloggers

Intellectual property

First and foremost be aware the material you are using may belong to someone else and is either trademarked or copyrighted.

There is an abundance of available intellectual property on line online in the form of videos, images, articles, and text, which more often then than not is protected by copyrights. Never publish anything that you don't have full legal rights to. If you decide to use something that does not belong to you, clearly provide the appropriate links and the accurate attribution to the legal author.

It may be wise to ask the author for permission to use proprietary material with proper accreditation. Most authors will welcome the proliferation of their material with proper recognition.


Defamation is a false or unsubstantiated statement that can cause harm and/or embarrassment to another person. Always verify the sources of your information to ensure your Blog post is credible and can be backed up with tangible proof and evidence. Remember, you may have to prove it in a court of law.

My best advice here is simple and prudent. Take the high road and only post positive, truthful material. Being critical or negative is not going to win you worthwhile followers. When it comes to business development and winning friends being controversial is not a prudent choice.

Most everyone will agree, engaging in a law suite to defend a contested argument will only consume valuable time and resources. In the end, little if any commercial benefit will be gained.

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